One day…and you will never be the same.

Spend a day or several days of personal time with Dr. Xian to enhance your presence and leadership skills.

Enjoy a personal retreat with nature walks and expressive art encountering your deepest self

Spend a day attending your soul to discover Your New You

Receive personalized wellbeing coaching and lightwork to achieve your goals.

Learn to trust yourself instead of trusting any outside voices. May this be the media or your therapist. Dr. Xian will support you to trust your intuition and find access to your soul’s whisper, so that you can serve your clients better.

In a Personal Intensive, tools like life coaching, somatic assessment, expressive art, dance, dream study, Pleiadian lightwork, meditation or contemplative time in nature may be incorporated. Reaching your goal is the center of our time together.

Ask for lightwork rejuvenations for stressed Moms and Professionals

Prolonged 1:1 time with Vasotara on the beautiful island of Kauai, HI.
(Mount Shasta, CA or Ashland, OR possible.)

Contact Xian Prem n to find out more…

Personal Intensive with Transformational Coaching

Receive a retreat for yourself with time for introspection, deep relaxation as well as learning new self-management tools.

You will gain

  • receive empowered self-management skills
  • be relaxed in your embodied presence
  • create an accountability plan for yourself

Personal Intensive for Life Coaches

You will gain

  • practice coaching tool sets
  • receive insights into your personal issues
  • create an accountability plan for your work-life balance

Personal Intensive with Crystalline Lightwork

Personal Intensive for high-performing individuals

You will gain

  • rejuvenate in light frequencies
  • clear blocks to move forward
  • receive insights into your personality structure

Personal Intensive for healers to clear personal stories and raise their frequencies.

You will gain

  • new tools to set and hold space
  • enhance your presence as a healer
  • practice clearing techniques

What a Personal Intensive looks like

A Personal Intensive is a full day or several days of personal coaching or lightwork with Xian Prem.

This intensive is set around your goal and intention for discovering your potential, releasing, blocks, and enhancing your presence. Your individual intend for your desired outcome will be the center of the inquiry and practices.

This is what a day looks like:

  • Goal setting
  • Commitment creation
  • Time for contemplation
  • Journaling / Note taking
  • Coaching about introspection
  • Optional: Bodywork

This is followed by

  • Personalized practices (concentration, nature walk, creative expression)
  • Guidance to bring meditative practices into your life
  • Accountability plan

Somatics may be included as you feel comfortable sensing your body and receiving suggestions for taking on a new presence. This may be enhanced by conscious witnessing of your movements with suggested experiments trying on new ways of being in the world and in connection. Bodywork for releasing tension can be offered on request.

We can go as deep as you feel ready to dive in.

Intensive personal time with Vasotara is enveloped with one-on-one phone sessions before and after the intensive. Please inquire about pricing.

Contact Xian for a free conversation to structure your Personal Intensive at

Combine your personal retreat with a vacation in Hawaii or meet me on the West-Coast.