Light Transmissions and Life Changing Transformation
1:1 Mentoring, Remote Light Transmission, and Education
My name is Dr. Xian. To truly embody our light may take decades. In my own journey of transforming trauma moving towards the awakening of lightbody, I have been utilizing several pathways (that I got certified in). This ranges from creative expression in art and dance to 5Rhythms, Clarity Breathwork, Yoga and Meditation to Strozzi Somatic Leadership Coaching. Looking back at my journey of ten years of personal transformation, I realized that I kept cycling through seven states of existence. Further exploration and research of these seven states towards embodied transcendence led me to a doctorate in Psychology, The culmination has found its ground in what I now call CFIT® Psychology.
Find stillness deep within. Experience how meditation can affect your state of being. We will explore various meditation techniques. We will also address sitting in chair versus sitting cross-legged or walking meditation.
We meet the first Sunday of each month at 2-3pm PST.
This site is dedicated to wellbeing towards embodied transcendence, and all those holistic practitioners, counsellors, parents, educators, and scholars in service.
CFIT® Psychology is an approach beyond Western psychology, embracing yoga psychology, movement of dance and hatha yoga, meditation, expressive art, poetry, breathwork, and dream study. As a Ph.D. in Psychology and certified transformational life coach, as well as in ongoing training in the art of energy work, I like to share the huge tool box I have received. In my experience, clients change magically, when approached with just the right tool that speaks to their heart combined with energy work.
Talk to me about
Remote Sessions
10-week courses